گروه ما معرکست ... همه هزار تا کار دارن و ميخوان به همه کاراشون هم برسن از طرفي ميخوان اجرا هم داشته باشن...براي يه برنامه تو ماه نوامبر کلي اي ميل رد و بدل شد ...اينم يکيش که شروين فرستاد .........
Hi All,
>>This is an extremely important message. If you do not reply after 1 hour,
>>something very bad happens to one of your friends.
>>So… please read this test and answer the questions as soon as possible.
>>There are 9 people, called “Al”, “F”, “Sh”, “I”, “S”, “RD”, “Re”, “Sa” and
>>The majority of them "apparently" want to perform in an event called “The
>>League Basement”. There are some possible dates for that event: 10/9, 10/23,
>>11/13 and 11/20. There are also some constraints as below:
>>1) “Al” and “RD” can’t make it on 11/20.
>>2) The only day “Al” can make it is 10/23.
>>3) “S” can’t make it on 10/23. Also he is not sure if he will perform or
>>4) “Sa” needs a piano which is not there.
>>5) “I” thinks that they should perform as soon as possible.
>>6) “Al” doesn’t want to perform the piece called “Y” and he prefers “SEP”
>>7) “Y” and “SEP” are the only things “I” can sing.
>>8) “Az” is not answering e-mails.
>>9) “F” is not saying anything.
>>10) On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays “Re” thinks that he’ll perform and
>>rest of the days he thinks he won’t.
>>11) “Sh” is f***ed up.
>>12) All the dates are taken except 11/20.
>>Answer the following questions:
>>I) Do you think these people can ever perform?
>>(a) Yep (b) Nop (c) Yes (d) No (e) Maybe
>>II) What is the best date for them to perform?
>>(a) 10/9 (b) 10/23 (c) 11/13 (d) 11/20 (e) Never
>>III) What is the best song they can perform?
>>(a) “Y” (b) “SEP” (c) “Invar-gher-bedam” (d) “Lo’batiii” (e) None
>>IV) What is the best set of performers?
>>(a) All of them
>>(b) All of them except “Al”, “S”, “Az” and “RD”
>>(c) Only “Sh”, “F” and “I”
>>(d) “Re” and “ShaadRavaan”
>>(e) None
پنجشنبه، مهر ۱۷، ۱۳۸۲
ارسال شده توسط یک لولی در ۷:۴۹ قبلازظهر
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