«حسین مساوات» و « جودی» فردا در کلبشون منتظر بقیه هستن تا پس از صرف صبحونه به اتفاق راهی فستیوال کشتیهای بادبانی بشن
Judy and I will be in our Kolbeh where we normally hustle and bustle. At 7:30 we'll have a big pot of coffee brewing with cups, napkins , forks & knives and hugs, one from each, except the ones who rather have a handshake and a smile.
Judy and I will be in our Kolbeh where we normally hustle and bustle. At 7:30 we'll have a big pot of coffee brewing with cups, napkins , forks & knives and hugs, one from each, except the ones who rather have a handshake and a smile.
اونا برای عکاسی میرن
A reminder ... don't forget your camera. And especially don't forget your tripod, monopod or two-legged pod, like your wife or husband to carry it for you
حسین مساوات فکر کردن زیاد در مورد اومدن یا نیومدن رو جایز نمیدونه
And for all those who think they're going to think twice before they do this, forget thinking twice. No amount of thinking is going to help you. Just get your camera and see you in the morning.
ولی من بیشتر که فکر کردم تصمیم گرفتم که نرم .... لعنت به فکر کردن زیاد ...
My name is Hosain and I approve this message, and Judy does not
این حسین مساوات معرکست ...