جمعه، خرداد ۱۱، ۱۳۸۶

An e-mail from Josh Summers, The coolest professor on the face of the earth !

Friends, alumna, and colleagues,
Cheryl and I (and the girls) are opening the house to the lab for a party on Saturday afternoon, June 2 (2:00-6:00). Not really sure what the occasion is, but you can derive your own reason!
We will have some appetizers, treats, and stuff to kabob, but if anyone wants to bring their own treats to share, that would be great!
All family members (kids, wives, husbands, partners, boyfriends, girlfriends, ...) are invited to join us. This is just an informal "glad to be done with classes and happy that summer is here" party.
If you are going to make it, we would like for you to give us a holler by Wed. so we can plan accordingly.
PS - there was a few requests for updated pictures of the family (see attached).